Right now, it sounds less like a fun prospect and more like something that is haunting you like a tell-tale heart under the floorboards. People don’t procrastinate stuff that they actually want to do. I think what it means is that neither of you are that interested in using this toy.
Is it wise to bring this up with him, or should I just let it go? Again, I know I am dumb. The other roommates have asked me if I’ve noticed him acting strangely. He’s not hostile, but he won’t really look me in the eye either. A month later, I now hear him having loud sex with women regularly, which I definitely never heard before. I was totally fine with it, and he acted like he was too, but it’s clear he’s not. I am the only gay guy (seemingly!) in a shared house of five guys, and this was very much unplanned. I am the guy who did the stupid thing from a hundred overheated online stories: I slept with my straight roommate when we were both drunk. Send your questions for Stoya and Rich to. How to Do It is Slate’s sex advice column. How Muhammad Ali’s Conversion Got Dismissed as “Brainwashing” Some 20-Year-Olds Explain the “Honest Instagram” App That’s Sweeping the Youths