I was home alone and would be until evening so I inserted the disc into the player to preview it. I had some porn.Ī new X Rated movie had just arrived with my Saturday mail. The one thing she tolerated and may have actually enjoyed was porn.
Threesomes or exhibitionism were absolutely out of the question. She would not let my mouth near her pussy she thought it was too nasty. I at times managed to get her to pay some oral attention to my dick but nothing resembling a blowjob. She would never take the initiative on a lovemaking session. My only complaint about her was that she was more than a bit prudish. We had been each other's 'significant other' for years and we were very comfortable in our relationship. I had a lover that spent most weekends at my house. He was apparently also reserved so there was little chance of a close friendship. He was married and his wife would nod and smile at me but I had never spoken to her nor she to me. We were both in our mid forties, about the same size all around. We had lived next to each other for two years and exchanged pleasantries but never visited each other's homes.